
After our second week of allowing more attendees to our Sunday morning ‘Time of Worship’ I am thrilled to see folks back in the church house! We are all enjoying seeing each other even though all we can do is wave and greet each other from a distance. All the guidelines are still being recognized and we will continue to observe the guidelines for the foreseeable future. I understand that it will be some time before we see our classes, nurseries,  children’s worship and other ministries open up but I am thankful we are moving in that direction.

Even with all that is going on I know that God is working and that the message of God’s Word cannot be silenced. People’s lives are being influenced by the Word and decisions are being made for Jesus. Just this week I rejoiced with a young man in my office who had made a decision for Jesus and wanted to share it with Bro. Ed. 

Each week I am motivated to preach the Word because I firmly believe that God will always bless His Word! The prophet Isaiah records a promise from God that every preacher, and believer, should be energized by when God said, “For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to eat: So shall my Word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void (null, empty, canceled), but it shall accomplish (achieve, do, carry out) that which I please (delight, want, thrill), and it shall prosper (do well, thrive, succeed, show a profit) in the thing whereto I sent it.” Isa. 55:10-11

When God called me to preach, 56 years ago, I had never read that passage and it was several years before I discovered God’s promise. I come to realize God didn’t give me the power to save anyone, to revive anyone or revive any local church. He didn’t give me the power to make people obedient to His Word or convict people of their sin. What He did do is call me to proclaim His Word under the leadership of the Holy Spirit. I am a sower of the seed of God’s inerrant Word and He is the Lord of the harvest.

People ask, “What are you going to do Bro. ED?” I am telling you that whether it is times like we are now dealing with, or situations, and circumstances yet to be revealed that which will succeed, and show a profit will be THE WORD OF GOD! So I pledge, by His grace, to do as Paul charged Timothy to do “preach the Word”.


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