
2020 is now behind us and we are moving into a new year and a new decade. We need to ask ourselves, “What is one of the most important responsibilities for us, as believers, concerning our nation?”

The answer is found, I believe, in I Timothy 2:1-4, where Paul gives instructions to the young pastor Timothy to teach concerning citizen believers. At this time the cruel, Christian hating, Nero was ruling over the Roman Empire. Paul said, “I exhort therefore that, FIRST OF ALL, supplications (petition, appeals), prayers (pleas, request, hopes, desires) intercessions (negotiation, mediation), and giving of thanks be made FOR ALL MEN; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of truth.”

What a sacred privilege is prayer! For ‘sinners’ who have been ‘born again’ by the grace of God to be invited to the Throne of God and, in Jesus name, present their burdens, and request, along with praise and worship is such an amazing opportunity. To also notice God’s invitation to come ‘boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain (get hold of, acquire) mercy, and find grace to help in the time of need.” Jesus reminded us to pray so that we would not faint (fade, weak, feeble, diminish). The light of Jesus is most needed in our world and abiding presence of the Holy Spirit and the faithful practice of prayer will enable us to shine for the glory of the Father.

Prayer should never be ‘trivialized’ (to belittle, play down, make light of) as did the Pharisees who only prayed to impress other men. Jesus said of these who sought to make themselves ‘look good’ they have their reward and that was the praise of man. We trivialize prayer when we use it just to make points with those who are listening. I was most shocked this week with the opening prayer of the 117th Congress. As the congressman closed his prayer he said, “Amen and Awomen”. Now first of all he is trying to make points by removing any gender preference in closing a prayer. When one studies the word ‘amen’ one comes to understand the word has nothing to do with gender. It is an ancient word which speaks to confirmation, agreement and literally “so be it”. When he sought to please his listeners with some political ‘play-on-words’ he trivialize the great privilege, and honor, of prayer.

In Revelation 3:1, Jesus is presented as the ‘Amen’ which means that Jesus is the eternal confirmation of all that God is and all that God has promised in His Word. Paul told the saints in the church at Colosse that in Jesus dwells all the ‘fullness’, Amen!


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